"If you saw a colleague stealing at work,would you report th

"If you saw a colleague stealing at work,would you report them?"以此为话题,600-800词的英语作文
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If I saw a colleague stealing at work,I would report him/her for the reasons of:
It is morally wrong to steal or to get something which is not belongs to you; or by taking something without the owner's permission is stealing;
Working a team,we must be a player,by stealing at work,it shows there isn't any team spirit and bonding amongst the team;
The culprit who did stealing may do so for others,hence his/her action should be stoped and reported so that everyone in the office/workspace should be awared of such event and to warn all that to look after one's property;
By reporting the stealing act is to stop her/him by not repeatig the same action for breaking the law and sinking further;
By doing so,it will defer other from doing the similar action and we have a cohesive working environment;


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