1.—Does Jim have _______ ruler?

1.—Does Jim have _______ ruler?
  —Yes,he has _______ .
  A.an;some B.a;one C.a;/ D.any;one
  2.There is _______ old bike._______ old bike is Mr Zhao's.
  A.an ;The B.the;An C.a;The D.the;The
  3._______ apple a day keeps the doctors aw ay.
  A.The B.A C.An D.Two
  4.—How many books do you have?
  —I have _______ book.That's _______ English book.
  A.a;an B.a;one C.one;an D.one;one
  5.At that time Tom was _______ one-year-old baby.
  A.a B.an C.the D./
  6._______ tiger is _______ China.
  A.The;a B.A;the C.The;from D.The;the
  7.We can't see _______ sun at _______ night.
  A.the;the B.the;/ C.a;/ D./;/
  8._______ useful book it is!
  A.What an B.How a C.What a D.What
  9.One afternoon he found _______ handbag.There was _______ “s”on the corner of _______ handbag.
  A.a;an;the B.a;a;the C.an;an;an D.the;a;a
  10._______ old lady with white hair spoke _______ English well at _______ meeting.
  A.An;an;a B.The;/;an C.The;/;a D.The;/;the
dbpj__19_6fq3e63 1年前 已收到4个回答 举报

c9agc6 幼苗

共回答了22个问题采纳率:77.3% 举报

1 b ruler不是元音音素开头 前面加冠词a,一般疑问句 用什么问用什么答 而答语中有has而不是does 故其后要加名词
2 a old以元音音素开头,第一个old bike前用an 而后面的old bike就是指上文原物 表示强调 用the
3 c apple以元音音素开头 前用an
4 a book以辅音音素开头 前用a english以元音音素开头 用an
5 a one也是以辅音音素开头 前用a
6 c tiger以辅音音素开头 前用a be from 固定搭配 来自某地
7 b sun表示太阳 前面要加定冠词the at night 固定搭配 在夜晚
8 c 感叹句有两种表达 一种是how+形容词或副词 另一种是what+名词或名词短语 因为useful以辅音音素开头 前面用a
9 a handbag以辅音音素开头 前用a s以元音音素开头 前用an 后面handbag要强调 用the
10 d old以元音音素开头 前用an speak接语言时 不加定冠词 at the meeting 表示强调



jy02313357 幼苗

共回答了5个问题 举报




mooo_2001 幼苗

共回答了1个问题 举报

  1. B,a表示一个,后面one代指直尺

  2. A,old是元音开头,所以用an,后面the表示特指刚才说的这辆自行车

  3. C,原因开头,并且不特指某个苹果,这是一句谚语

  4. C,one表示数量,后面元音开头

  5. B,一个一岁的男孩

  6. C,特指那个老虎,...



快乐的邮递员 幼苗

共回答了1个问题 举报

  1. C ruler前加冠词a,dose sb.have sth的回答 第三人称肯定回答用yes,he/she has即可。

  2. A 元音前加冠词an, the 表特指。

  3. C 元音前冠词an,常识句,背下来。

  4. C 本题回答How many 用具体数字,one book,后面That's a...


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