阅读理解 It was 11 pm. Donald Lubeck was lying

阅读理解 It was 11 pm. Donald Lubeck was lying
It was 11 pm. Donald Lubeck was lying in bed. Outside, lightning lit up the sky, and thunder雷声shook the house. Suddenly he heard the smoke alarm sounding. Lubeck walked down to see what happened; he opened the door to the kitchen, and flames(火焰) just went out. The sudden strong wind from the doorway immediately created a large fire from a small one, probably caused by lightning. Lubeck went back to his bedroom to call 911. “I felt safe because the room had a separate stairway,” he explains. The phone didn‟t work, and when Lubeck tried to go down the stairway, he was stopped by a wall of flames. Lubeck realized he was in trouble. His daughter and granddaughters, who lived with him, were away for the night. Up a hill lived Lubeck‟s neighbors, Jeremie Wentworth and his wife. From his house, Wentworth saw the black smoke. He rushed out, and headed towards Lubeck‟s house. He knew Lubeck lived in the house. He dialed 911. On the phone, the 911 worker warned Wentwoth not to enter the house. “But I told the worker, „Sorry, but I‟m going in. I can hear Lubeck shouting „Help me!‟ I can‟t let myself do nothing in this situation,‟”he says. “I went in and shouted, „Don, where are you?‟ Then I had to run outside to catch my breath.” After one more try inside the house, he gave up. Then the wind parted the smoke just enough for him to see Lubeck on the second-floor bedroom. But there was no way to get to him.”I finally noticed a ladder梯子,” says Wentworth. He set it against the wall and pulled Lubeck down. Just seconds later the floor fell down. Within the year, Lubeck and his family built a new two-story house at the place. Wentworth and Lubeck don‟t run into each other ofter, but Lubeck now knows that if he ever needs help, Wentworth will be there
56. Why did Lubeck feel safe at the beginning? A. Because he knwe how to fight fire. B. Because he thought it was a small fire. C. Because he thought he could get out easily. D. Because he knew his neighbor would help him.
57. How did Lubeck get out of the house? A. He went down a separate stairway. B. 911 workers found him and helped him out. C. He climbed out of a window by himself. D. He climbed down a ladder found by Wentworth.
58. Which of the following words can best describe Jeremie Wentworth
A. Patient and creative. B. Calm and brave. C. Careful and clever. D. Simple and generous.
59. We can learn from the text that Donald Lubeck______. A. was living alone B. trusts Jeremie Wentworth completely C. got in touch with 911 D. sounded the smoke alarm himself
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56. C
58. B
59. B



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