Who ate my cake?谁吃了我的蛋糕? 作文

为爱守侯-爱aa 1年前 已收到1个回答 举报

xianqigueiqie 幼苗

共回答了15个问题采纳率:93.3% 举报

Annie and her family were enjoying dessert. Everyone loved Mother’s chocolate almond cake. But Annie was not feeling well. “Mom, can I save my piece for tomorrow?” she asked.安妮和她的家人在吃餐后甜点,大家都喜欢妈妈做的烤朱古力软心杏仁饼。但安妮感觉身体不大舒服。“妈妈,我能明天吃我的那份蛋糕吗?”她问。“Annie, are you sure want to save your cake?” asked Dad. “What if it spoils?” asked her sister Molly. “It won’t taste good tomorrow,” said Jesse, one of the twins. “What if you’re still sick tomorrow?” said Jake, the other twin. “Please do not touch my cake!” she said.“安妮,你确实想明天再吃你的蛋糕?”爸爸问。“如果它变质了呢?”姐姐茉莉问。“蛋糕明天会不好吃的。”双胞胎中的一个——杰西说。“如果你明天生病了怎么办?”另一个双胞胎杰克说。“请别动我的蛋糕!”安妮喊。“Good morning! How are you feeling?” asked Mother. “I feel great!” answered Annie. Annie opened the refrigerator door. “Oh, no!” she shouted. “My cake is gone!”“早上好!你感觉怎么样?”妈妈问。“感觉很棒!”安妮回答。安妮打开冰箱门,“哎哟,不好!”她喊,“我的蛋糕不见了!”“Who ate my cake?” she asked. “Not me,” said Molly. “It wasn’t me,” said Jesse. “Don’t look at me,” said Jake. Annie’s parents shrugged their shoulders.“谁吃了我的蛋糕?”她问。“不是我。”茉莉说。“不是我干的。”杰西说。“你不要看着我!”杰克说。安妮的父母耸了耸肩膀。“One of you is not telling the truth,” she said. “Someone in this room ate my cake! I am going to find out who did it!”“你们中有个人没说实话,”安妮说,“这个房间里,总有人吃了我的蛋糕!我一定要找出来是谁干的!”Annie asked her family to leave the kitchen. She wanted to search the area for clues.安妮让家人离开厨房,她想在这儿搜寻线索。There were no dishes or cup in the sink. It was very clean. Annie opened the cupboard. One of the cups was missing.水池里没有任何碟子或杯子,池子也非常干净。安妮打开橱柜,发现里面缺少了一个杯子。Annie opened the lid to the garbage can. She found the wrapper from her cake. There was also a banana peel.安妮打开垃圾桶盖,她找到了自己那块蛋糕的包装皮。垃圾桶里还有一根香蕉皮。“I would like to ask you some questions,” announced Annie. “Let’s start with you, Dad. What time did you go to sleep last night?” she asked. “About eleven,” he answered. “Did you wake up during the night?”“Yes, I did. I went to the bathroom,” he said.“我想问你们一些问题,”安妮宣布,“爸爸,从你开始吧。昨天晚上你是几点钟睡觉的?”“十一点。”爸爸回答。“晚上醒来过吗?”“是的,我去上厕所了。”爸爸说。“Did you wake up during the night?” Annie asked her mother. “I work up twice,” she answered. “Once when your father got up, and the other time was about six o’clock.”“What woke you up then?” Annie asked. “I thought I heard a sound from the kitchen.”“你晚上醒来过吗?”安妮问妈妈。“我醒来了两回,”妈妈回答,“一回是你爸爸醒来的时候,还有一回是六点钟。”“什么把你吵醒了?”安妮问。“我好像听到厨房有声音。”“I got up about twelve because I was thirsty. I drank some milk,” Molly said. “Where is your cup?” Annie asked her sister.“我12点起来,因为我渴了,我喝了些牛奶。”茉莉说。“你的杯子在哪儿?”安妮问姐姐。“I went to sleep at ten and wake up at eight this morning, so I couldn’t have eaten your cake, unless I was sleepwalking.” Molly gave the cup to Annie. It was the missing cup from the cupboard.“我晚上十点钟睡觉,早上八点钟醒来。所以,我不会吃了你的蛋糕,除非我梦游。”茉莉把杯子给了安妮,这正是橱柜里缺少的杯子。“Did you get up during the night?” she asked Jake. “No, uh, wait, yes, I did.”“What time was that?”“Uh, I think it was about one or two.”“Why did you get up?”“I was hungry. So, uh, I ate a banana.”“你晚上醒来过吗?”她问杰克。“没有,呃……等一下,我醒来过。”“什么时间?”“呃……我想是一点或者两点。”“你为什么起来?”“我饿了,所以,呃……我吃了一根香蕉。”Annie looked at her notebook. “I know who ate my cake,” she announced. Annie looked at each person. Then her eyes rested on Jake. “It was Jake.”“H… How did you know?” he asked.安妮看了看自己的笔记本,宣布说:“我现在知道是谁吃了我的蛋糕了。”她看了看每个人,然后眼睛盯住杰克。“是杰克。”“你……你怎么知道?”杰克问。“Mom said she heard a noise around six in the morning. Someone must have been up at that time. But my biggest clue was the banana peel. If you ate the banana around one or two, the peel would already be dark. But when I saw it, it was still white.”“妈妈说她六点钟听到了厨房里有声音,一定有人在那时候醒来过。但香蕉皮对我是最大的线索。如果你在一点或两点时吃了香蕉的话,皮早就会黑的。但我看到它的时侯,它仍然白着呢。”Jake admitted he ate Annie’s cake. He apologized to Annie. No one knew Annie was such a good detective!杰克承认他吃了安妮的蛋糕,他给安妮道了歉。谁也没料到安妮竟然是这么好的侦探家!


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