we were so happy when father told us

youjiankezhan 1年前 已收到1个回答 举报

alexlee79 幼苗

共回答了27个问题采纳率:85.2% 举报

Last year my father and I went to Toronto.We 94 a taxi to the hotel from the airport.During the taxi trip,the driver (司机) told us many interesting things 95 the big city.That made us 96 happy.rn When we arrived at the hotel,I 97 my bag was lost.But the taxi got away (离开) now.So I went to the police station for some 98 .There were three bags in the police station.One of them looked 99 my bag.But it wasn’t mine (我的).At that time,the driver came to the police station,100 .I was very surprised he took a bag with him.Oh,it was my bag.I thanked him for 101 my bag to me.Then I went 102 to the hotel.I thought the people in Toronto were very 103 .rn1 .took 2.about 3.:feel 4.found 5help 6.like 7.too 8.bringing \/ giving 9.back 10.friendly


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