英语作文 Sam's day1.5:45 has breakfast(4 eggs,a glass of milk,an

英语作文 Sam's day
1.5:45 has breakfast(4 eggs,a glass of milk,an apple)
2.6:00leaves home for the studio by car
3.6:30 get6s there,startswork
4.12:30 has lunch( rice,chicken,vegetables)
5.19:30 finishes work
6.20:00--20:30 reads fans' latters
7.20:30 has supper( meat and pas-ta)
8,21:00 does sports
9.23:00 goes to bed
I get up at 5:30 in the morning._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
没超疯团_kaka 1年前 已收到3个回答 举报

今西子 幼苗

共回答了17个问题采纳率:88.2% 举报

Sam's daySam get up at 5:30 in the morning.He takes 4 eggs a glass of milk,an apple as his breakfast at 5:45.At six clock he leaves home for the studio by car.He gets there about 6:30 ,then he starts ...



轻声问你好吗 幼苗

共回答了3个问题 举报

每天早上我6:30分起床. 6:45吃早饭,然后去上学



ZXGK206 幼苗

共回答了12个问题 举报

Yesterday was Sunday.Sam got up at 6 in the morning.After breakfast he went to the park by bike and had a good time there.At noon he had lunch at Mcdonald's with his dad and mom.He had a drumstick,a h...


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