连词成句1.most the she is beautiful character 2.is his the uncle

1.most the she is beautiful character 2.is his the uncle most character frightening 3.She branch put it mud in the took a 4.She with her hands made more
ewol 1年前 已收到3个回答 举报

追逐极光 幼苗

共回答了20个问题采纳率:85% 举报

1 She is the most beautiful character. 她是最美丽的人物.
2 His uncle is the most frightening character. 他叔叔是最吓人的角色.
3 She took a branch and put itin the mud. 她拿起一根树枝,把它放在泥土里.
4 She made more with her hands. 她手工制作了更多.

1年前 追问


ewol 举报

第三题没有and 而 it和 in 不能连在一起 急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急

举报 追逐极光

3 She took a branch and put it in the mud. 她拿起一根树枝,把它放在泥土里。 如果没有and这句话就不能顺畅的连起来 你再好好看看

ca5039 幼苗

共回答了59个问题 举报

1 She is the most beautiful character
2 His uncle is the most frightening character
She took a branch and put it in the mud
She made more with her hands



月下孤猫 幼苗

共回答了16个问题 举报

can i help you?我能为您做什么? i want five red apples我要五个红苹果 the shirt is colourful这件衬衫是彩色的 look at that pretty bag看那个我的问题是连词成句 1. most the she is beautiful character 2.is his the uncle most charact...


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