Hello!My name is Tony.I,m 31 American boy.Now I am in China

Hello!My name is Tony.I,m 31 American boy.Now I am in China with 32 father and mother.We all 33 Chinese food.And we,ve got used to(习惯)34 .In the morning,we like to 35 some porridge(粥)36 breakfast.For lunch,we have rice,eggs,chicken,and some vegetables.In the evening,my mother cooks(煮)37 at home.She learns(学习)to cook the Chinese 38 on TV.She thinks it,s interesting but a little 39 .We all like Chinese food.It is nice and 40 .
( )31、A、a B、an C、the D、/
( )32、A、me B、my C、I D、our
( )33、A、like B、run C、watch D、list
( )34、A、them B、then C、it D、him
( )35、A、have B、has C、eats D、drink
( )36、A、in B、at C、for D、under
( )37、A、breakfast B、lunch C、dinner D、eggs
( )38、A、food B、vegetable C、fruit D、chicken
( )39、A、boring B、difficult C、fun D、well
( )40、A、many B、difficult C、more D、healthy
tzg1019 1年前 已收到1个回答 举报

snowflake2004 幼苗

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tzg1019 举报

34题为什么选It ?

举报 snowflake2004


tzg1019 举报

31应该是an 吧?? 呵呵
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