以下几句英语有什么区别?1.She sings well.和 She is singing well.2.He is n

1.She sings well.和 She is singing well.
2.He is not at home.和 He is not home yet.
3.by the time he is 14.和 by the time he was 14.
天然2006 1年前 已收到1个回答 举报

格瓦纳 幼苗

共回答了16个问题采纳率:93.8% 举报

1.she sings well.她会唱歌.(自身能力) She is singing well.她唱得不错.(当前表现) 2.He is not at home.他不在家.(离家状态,反正家里没有) He is not home yet.他还不在家.(回家状态,也许正在路上) 3.by the time he is 14.等到他14岁时.(现在还没有到14岁) by the time he was 14.他14岁那年.(现在已经超过14岁了)


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