
不安的潜行者 1年前 已收到1个回答 举报

xingyu77222 幼苗

共回答了21个问题采纳率:71.4% 举报

1.供应商应於收到此表单[稽核评鉴缺失及改善报告]後,第7个工作天(含)之内回覆EPISTAR,回覆内容至少需涵盖a.[原因分析]、b.[改善对策]及c.[预定完成日].(abc有一项未填写,则视同未回覆). The supplier is to reply to EPISTAR within 7 work days (including the seventh) upon reception of this sheet [Performance Assessment and Improvement Report] and the reply shall at least consist of a. [analysis of causes], b. [countermeasures of improvement] and c. [estimated finishing date]. (In case that any one is missing among the three, it is considered as failure of reply.)
2.逾期1工作天未回覆EPISTAR,则扣[稽核评鉴分数:2分](2天扣4分,以此类推).In case the reply to EPISTAR has not been received 1 work day past the time limit, then the [performance assessment score: 2 points] shall be deducted. (For 2 days overdue, 4 points shall be deducted, and so forth.)
3.EPISTAR收到供应商回覆此表单後,若对其回覆内容有疑虑,则供应商回覆的方式同备注:1.及2.规定处理,但其回覆时效性变更为3个工作天(含).In case that EPISTAR is doubted of the content upon reception of the reply, then the reply made by the supplier shall be in accordance with both remarks No. 1 and No. 2. Meanwhile, the time limit will change to 3 work days. (Including the 3rd.) 
4.供应商於预定完成日到期前,应主动提供改善结果(佐证)给EPISTAR,逾期1工作天未提供EPISTAR,则扣[稽核评鉴之分数:2分](2天扣4分,以此类推) The supplier shall provide the result of improvement (with evidence) to EPISTAR before the time limit comes. In case that 1 work day has been passed, then the [performance assessment score: 2 points] shall be deducted. (For 2 days overdue, 4 points shall be deducted, and so forth.)
5.供应商无法於原[预定完成日]到期前完成缺失改善,需更改[预定完成日]或[改善对策]时,则扣[稽核评鉴之分数:5分](1件缺失扣5分,2件缺失扣10分,以此类推). In case that the supplier is unable to complete the improvement on time [before the estimated day of completion] and [the estimated day of completion] or [countermeasures for improvement] needs to be changed, then the [performance assessment score: 5 points] shall be deducted. (In case of one item is delayed, 5 points shall be deducted; For 2 items, 10 points shall be deducted, and so forth.)
6.若属建议事项,则供应商回覆内容至少需涵盖[原因分析].其扣分方式同备注2.规定处理. In case that the reply is within the recommendation category, then the content of the reply shall at least consist of [analysis of causes]. The rule of deduction is identical to that of remarks No. 2.


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