用所给词汇,以“On Sunday"为题写一段话

用所给词汇,以“On Sunday"为题写一段话
boat on the lake have lunch in a restaurant after breakfast go to the by bike get up fly a bikecook supper watch TV go to bed have a good time
qq120 1年前 已收到2个回答 举报

qq01234 花朵

共回答了16个问题采纳率:93.8% 举报

On Sunday
On Sunday morning I will go boating on the lake with my parents.And we will have lunch in a restaurant.So after breakfast we will go to the lake by bike.We have to get up early and fly the bike.
When we come back,my mother will cook supper for us.And in the evening we will watch TV and I will go to bed at ten .I will have a good time this Sunday.



蔷薇love念 幼苗

共回答了16个问题采纳率:75% 举报

About 1,600 years ago, Sunday became a holiday in the Christian world.People were not allowed to work on that day.


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