高三英语作文给你初中老师写封信,感谢他在学习上,思想上对你的教育和培养.包括以下内容:1、你的学习现状 2、初中老师对你

包括以下内容:1、你的学习现状 2、初中老师对你的培养 3、你的感受
Nowadays I'm a senior high school student.I become more and more understand what you said.Academically speaking,my scores in senior high school are not too good or too bad but just medium.Geography is still my favourite subject but not the beginning.When I was in the middle school .I was unacceptable to my geography teacher .She always blames my grade on my attitude.She felt disappointed to me .But you don't,you still encourage me to be careful and confident.You told me scores are not important .What is more important is to the best of your ability to do everything.At that time I am confused about this sentence.However,I follow your directions to study harder.At last,I harvest a lot,not only excellent score in geography but also a belief.My feeling in your said is mixed emotions .I appreciated your instruction in that matter.You changed my mind in study,made me gain a knowledge of the real meaning of scores.Not scores on the paper ,but the prove of your efforts.求修改
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bmmao 春芽

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Senior Three Life
Nowadays,an increasing number of students come into senior three life. Now let me give you a short introduction of my last high school life.
At first,it is exciting and meaningful in short. Furthermore,it makes us realise time is limited.We always stay up late to finish those so much homework.Late term,we have a large number of examinations.We make an effort to relax ourselves.For example,searching internet and paly basketball.Last but not least,We believe that our future is very beautiful and wonderful.
That's all my senior three life.All of us will remember this unforgettable period of time.我给你按字数写的


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