1.Both of my brothers have already left university.(改为否定句)

1.Both of my brothers have already left university.(改为否定句)
__________of my brothers has left university_________.
2.Why don't you go to the school livrary with me?(保持原句意思)
_______ _______go to the school library with me?
_______ _______going to the school library with me?
3.Sam was very excited.He couldn't fall asleep.(保持原句意思)
Sam was _____ excited _________ he couldn't fall asleep.
Sam was __________ excited ___________fall asleep.
(twenty minutes' walk)用什么提问?
xshxsh731 1年前 已收到4个回答 举报

vivianlove13 幼苗

共回答了21个问题采纳率:95.2% 举报

1 neither ,yet
2 Why not
How about
3 so that
too to
用how far来问



fengzi072 幼苗

共回答了11个问题 举报

1 Neither,yet
2 Why not
How about
3 so that
too to
(How long does it take to go to somewhere?)



祝行蝶 幼苗

共回答了28个问题 举报

1.Both of my brothers have already left university.(改为否定句)
____Neither______of my brothers has left university____yet_____.
2.Why don't you go to the school livrary with me?(保持原句意思)



生命漏沙 幼苗

共回答了10个问题 举报

1.Neither of my brothers has left university yet.
2.Why not go to the school library with me?
How about going to the school library with me?
Sam was so excited that he couldn't fall asleep.
Sam was too excited to fall asleep.
——How long does it take to go to somewhere?
——Twenty minutes.


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