1继续努力,下次我们一定会赢.Keep trying!We're sure ______ _______ ___

1继续努力,下次我们一定会赢.Keep trying!We're sure ______ _______ ______win next time
2 我的爸爸昨天给我买了一个足球.(两种翻译方式)a My dad ____ ____a football yesterday. b My dad _____ a football ______ _____yesterday.3请你不要乱扔瓶子好吗?Would you mind ____ ______ bottles ______? 4 这座城市有着一个多世纪的历史. The city has a history of _____ ____ _____.5我喜欢很多的运动项目,例如篮球和足球 I like many sports ______ _______ basketball and football.
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司徒拙 幼苗

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1 that we will
2 a bought me
b bought for me
3 not throwing everywhere
4 over one century
5 such as

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