英语翻译Van Gogh was born in Holland in 1853.He enjoyed drawing

Van Gogh was born in Holland in 1853.He enjoyed drawing as a child.His first connection with painting eame in 1869.He worked for an art dealer in London and Paris for four years,before he became a teacher in England for a short time.He moved back to France in 1877 and soon began to paint.He didn't stay long in Paris.He was attracted by the coloum of the countryside and ,in 1888,he moved to Aries,a small town in the south of France.There,he painted his most famous paintings.
  He enjoyed painting people,flowers,and other natural things.Some of his most famous paintings are Tile Potato Eaters,The Starry Night,and several different Sunflower paintings.The Starry Night is now kept in the Museum Art in New York.There is a quiet village and a tall black tree under an angry sky.Some people say that it shows a war in Van Gogh's mind between peace and anger,it was finished on 19 June,1889.Scientists say that it is a true picture of the stars on that day.
  He was poor most of his life.He made hundreds of painting,but only sold one of them while he lived.He was a lonely,unhappy man who died at the early age of 37.
  Today,people love Van Gogh's use of colour and emotional power(激情)of his work.Van Gogh's paintings are world famous and worth millions of dollars.Museums around the world proudly show paintings by the great artist.
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