1.on december 1st,2010,the 23rd world aids day,the starting2

1.on december 1st,2010,the 23rd world aids day,the starting2.ceremony for aids prevention project is held in chengdu3.aids is deadly disease,whose virus can be transmgtted through4.blood,sex or from a mother toher child before birth.a number of5.teenagers infecting with aids has been increasing year by year6.that becomes a major social concern.in order to preuent its fast7 spread,us high school students must realize how harmful aids s8.we should be strict with ourselues or keep away from drugsbesides.9 we shouldn't look down upon aids sufferers.that they need is care 10and love from society .although aids is incurable,preventiom is not possible对的就说对,错的就改过来.
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3.through - by
4.a number of - the number of
5.infecting -infected
6.that - which
7.us - we
8.or- and
9.that - what


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