
lxd80120 1年前 已收到2个回答 举报

静波潜龙 幼苗

共回答了16个问题采纳率:87.5% 举报

1-1 当句子的主语为动作的承受者即受动者,动词用被动语态.
Eg. John helped Peter. (John是动作的施行者,而Peter是动作的承受者即承受者.)
 Peter was helped by John. (Peter是句子的主语,而且是动作的承受者,所以用被动语态.)
1-2 被动语态的构成:be + 动词的过去分词
2. 特别提醒:被动语态的时态和人称的变动都是由动词be作改变的,不论发生什么改变,动词的过去分词(v+ed或不规则的分词) 都不改变.时态用的助动词和人称代词由被动语态句子中的主语,即动作的承受者,所决定.
2-1 Eg. He cleans the room everyday.
 The room is cleaned (by him) everyday.
(一般现在时的被动语态构成: is / am / are + 动词的过去分词)
2-2 Eg. They have brought many toys since last week.
 Many toys have been brought (by them) since last week.
(现在完成时的被动语态构成:has/have + been + 动词过去分词.)
2-3 Eg. They are meeting the foreigners at the gate.
 The foreigners are being met (by them) at the gate.
(现在进行时的被动语态构成:is/ are/ am + being + 动词过去分词)
2-4 Eg. They will build some new buildings next year.
 Some new buildings will be built (by them) next year.
They are going to draw a new picture tomorrow.
 A new picture is going to be drawn tomorrow.
(一般将来时被动语态构成:will + be +动词过去分词, 或is/am/are going to +be + 动词过去分词)
2-5 Eg. Father has been painting the room all morning.
 The room has been being painted (by father) all morning.
(仅作了现在完成进行时的被动语态:has/ have + been+ being + 动词过去分词)
2-6 Eg. They wrote the book last year.
 The book was written (by them) last year.
(一般过去时的被动语态构成:was/ were+动词过去分词)
2-7 Eg. The children had broken the window when the teacher arrived.
 The windows had been broken (by the children) when the teacher arrived.
(过去完成时被动语态构成had + been + 动词过去分词.)
2-8 Eg. She was reading the book at 8:00 last night.
 The book was being read at 8:00 last night.
(过去进行时被动语态构成:was/ were being + 动词过去分词)
2-9 Eg. They said they would cook some food.
 They said some food would be cooked.
They said he was going to buy a new house.
 They said a new house was going to be bought.
(过去将来时被动语态构成:would +动词过去分词,或:was/were going to be + 动词分词)
2-10 Eg. He must finish the work in two days.
 The work must be finished in two days.
(情态动词被动语态:must/have to/had better/ should/can/could/may/might/need to + be +动词分词)
3. 间接引语中的被动语态:
3-1 引述动词是一般现在时的时候,引语的人称根据引述动词前面的主语而作调整,但时态不变.
Eg. He often says, “ I was chosen to take part in the exam when I was twelve.”
 He often says he was chosen to take part in the exam when he was twelve. (人称由引述动词says前面的主语he 决定,但引语的时态不变.)
3-2 引述动词为过去时态,引语部分的时态和人陈都按照引述部分进行改变.
Eg. He said, “ My father has been hit by a car.”
He said his father had been hit by a car. (引语部分的时态和人称都发生了改变.)
3-3 从上文可看出:引述动词是过去时态时,被动语态形式的引语改动规则与主动语态形式的引语的改动规则一样,但无论如何,只要是被动语态,它的动词的过去分词总是不改的.)
4-1. 带介词的双宾语可以有两种改法:
eg. They gave him an apple.
 He was given an apple.
 An apple was given to him. (双宾语中当直接宾语apple 作被动语态句子的主语时,要记得写上介词to.)
4-1-1这样的动词有:buy/make/cook sth for sb
或:show/bring/give/take/ send/write/… to sb.
4-2. 多词动词的被动语态:
eg. She looked after his children.
 His children were looked after (by her).
4-2-1这样的动词有:look after, look into, talk about, set up, put off, bring about, do away with, look forward to, take good care of 等等词.
4-3 It is/was/has been said/reported/known + that + 从句
4-4 有些动词在主动语态里不带to,但改为被动语态时要还原to
make/see/have/hear/let sb do sth sb be made/seen/heard/let to do sth
eg. The boss made the workers work for a long time.
 The workers were made to work for a long time (by the boss).
4-5 有些动词在主动语态中带sb doing sth, 改为被动语态时仍用doing sth
eg. I heard him singing in his room. He was heard singing in his room.
4-6 特别区分:当句子中出现suddenly, 具体的时间时,用see/hear sb doing sth的形式
当句中出现often, always, sometimes, 或不具体的时间时,用see/hear sb do sth的形式.
Eg. 1) I often hear him sing in his room.
2) Yesterday I saw him cross the road.
3) Suddenly they heard someone crying in the forest.
4-7 不及物动词没有被动语态:happen, take place, begin, become, go, come
eg. Great changes have taken place in the last two years.
4-8 表静态的动词没有被动语态:cost, last, agree with, own
4-9 主动形式表示被动意义,通常用于表示sth的功能或效用: write/wash/cut/use/sell/cook
eg. The cooker cooks well.
The washing machine washes well.
1.带sb to do sth的动词:allow/encourage/help/want/wish/ask/tell sb to do sth,
2.带 to do sth 的动词:hope/agree/decide/want/wish/prefer to do sth
3.带 doing sth 的动词:enjoy/practise/think about/doing sth
4.几对特殊的例子:remember to do sth (记得要做,但还没做)
remember doing sth (记得要做,而且做了)
forget to do sth ( 忘记要做,没有做)
forget doing sth ( 做了,但忘记已经做了)
5.prefer doing sth to doing sth
6.look forward to doing sth
7.介词后面用doing sth
8.动词做句子的主语时用ing形式:Collecting stamps is interesting



wosi你 幼苗

共回答了88个问题 举报

例如:Many people speak Chinese.
谓语:speak的动作是由主语many people来执行的。
被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者,即行为动作的对象。例如:Chinese is spoken by man...


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