改一般疑问句和否定句 1,I want to go to Beijing 2 I ate an egg this moy

改一般疑问句和否定句 1,I want to go to Beijing 2 I ate an egg this moyning 3 He is a student.4 I am a boy 急求明天就上课了!
ludf 1年前 已收到3个回答 举报

xmlian 幼苗

共回答了17个问题采纳率:88.2% 举报

1,Do you want to go to Beijing?
I don't want to go to Beijing
2 Did you eat an egg this morning?
I didn't eat an egg this morning
3 Is he a student?
He isn't a student.
4 Are you a boy?
I am not a boy



我是你的荔枝蜜 幼苗

共回答了17个问题 举报

1.Do you wan to go to Beijing?
I don't want to go to Beijing.
Did you eat an egg this morning?
I did't eat an egg this morning.
3.Is he a student?
He isn't a student.
4.Are you a boy?
I am not a boy.



plmy 幼苗

共回答了1个问题 举报

一般疑问句:1 Do you want to go to beijing?2Did you eat an egg thiss morning?3Is he a student? 4are you a boy?


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