一个短文改错..有10个错误Mary works at a bank.She begin working at eigh

Mary works at a bank.She begin working at eight o'clock in the morning .She stops working on five o'clock in the afternoon.
At five o'clock the bank closes.Everybody goes to home.Some people drive home.Some people take the train.Some peoples take the bus .Mary walks home .She likes to walk.She walks,and walks,and walks,or walks.Mary lives eight miles from the bank .She walkd for three hour .
At eight o'clock in the evening ,Mary is home .He eats dinner.At ten o'clock she goes to the bed .Mary is tired.
She is eight-two year old.
wanderer_874 1年前 已收到2个回答 举报

wjj4542 幼苗

共回答了14个问题采纳率:100% 举报

Mary works at a bank.She begin(begins) working at eight o'clock in the morning .She stops working on(at) five o'clock in the afternoon.
At five o'clock the bank closes.Everybody goes to(去掉) home.Some people drive home.Some people take the train.Some peoples(peolpe) take the bus .Mary walks home .She likes to walk.She walks,and walks,and walks,or(always) walks.Mary lives eight miles from the bank .She walked(walks) for three hour(hours) .
At eight o'clock in the evening ,Mary is home .He(She) eats dinner.At ten o'clock she goes to the bed .Mary is tired.
She is eight-two(eighty-two) year(years) old.



hot-man 幼苗

共回答了20个问题 举报

Mary works at a bank.She begin(begins) working at eight o'clock in the morning .She stops working on(at) five o'clock in the afternoon.
At five o'clock the bank closes.Everybody goes to(去掉to...


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