the roof of which和whose roof有何区别各举两例句,详细说明区别

talcjt 1年前 已收到1个回答 举报

冰儿06 幼苗

共回答了21个问题采纳率:95.2% 举报

1 . 形式不同。如: The house _______ windows face south is our reading - room .
A . of which B . whose C . which D . its
此题正确答案是B,不能选择A。选择 of which 时应在名词前加上定冠词 the,也就是说如果名词前有 the 就只能用 of which。如果名词前没有冠词,就用 whose。如上句题干改为:The house _______ the windows face south is our reading-room . 此题就只能选择答案A而不能选择B了。
2 . whose 即可以指人,又可以指物,而 of which 只能用来指物。如:
The boss in whose department looked down upon women .
The house whose roof was damaged now has been repaired .
上面第一句不可用 of which 来改写,第二句可以。可写成:The house of which the roof was damaged has now has been repaired .
3 . of which 除了可以表示所属关系外,还可以用来表示整体的关系,而 whose 则不能。
He borrowed a book of which the author was a peasant .
In Barcelona the Chinese team got 16 gold medals , of which 12 were won by women .
第一句中的 of which 就可以用 whose 来代替。因为这个句子中 of 是用来表示所属关系。可改写成:He borrowed a book whose author was a peasant。而第二句中的 of which 就不要用 whose 来替。因为这个句子中的 of 不是表示所属关系,而是表示整体与部分的关系。
4 . 引导非限制性定语从句多用 whose,而很少用表示所属关系的介词 of 加上关系代词 which。如:
There is a mysterious lake at the foot the hill , whose depth has never been
measured . 山脚下有个神秘的湖,其深度从未测量过。
如介词 of 不表示所属关系,而是用来表示整体与部分的关系。此时就经常引导非限制性定语从句了。如;
There are 102 elements found in nature , of which most are metals .
The stories about the Long march , of which this is one example , are well written .


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