作文大意:提供帮助给别人,你能改变别人的生活,同时获得很多个 英语作文120字

穷凶极恶㊣ 1年前 已收到1个回答 举报

录事参军 幼苗

共回答了15个问题采纳率:73.3% 举报

A heartfelt little acts of kindness,will also bring up great love life stage.Remember that others of their grace,to wash away their resentment of others,in life's journeyto the blue skies; a very little thing,even as a gift a rosy not worth mentioning,butit brings warmth will be in the giver and the love flower people heart slowly rising,diffuse,covering.You help people,do good,or help others,is tantamount tosomeone like roses will make others happy,and your heart will be because do good and happy,then you can feel a kind of sweet,a kind of roses in hand in the heart.


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