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hhmmjj 花朵

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这天是星期一,齐普问正在吃晚饭的祖恩:“你吃的什么呀?”“吃的是鱼,但它太咸了。”祖恩回答。齐普说:“那我们去餐馆吧。”他们来到长颈鹿女士的餐馆,问:“你们有面条吗?”长颈鹿回答:“不,今天是星期一,我们有鱼,星期二才有面条。”他们来到了狗先生的餐馆,说:“面条是我们最喜欢的食物,今天你们有面条吗?”小狗说:“不,我们有猪肉和青豆,星期三才有面条。”祖恩和齐普不高兴,因为他们又来得不巧。他们来到了猴先生的餐馆,问:“你们有面条吗?”猴子回答:“不,我们有卷心菜和羊肉,星期四才有面条。”祖恩和齐普只好走出去了。他们来到了兔女士的餐馆。问:“你们有面条吗?”兔子说:“不,我们有茄子,星期五才有面条。”祖恩和齐普都摊开手,表示无奈的样子。他们来到了猫女士的餐馆。问:“你们有面条吗?”小猫回答:“是的,有。”祖恩和齐普坐在坐在餐桌旁的椅子上,小猫女士端来了两碗面条。祖恩尝了一口,说:“面条太咸了。”齐普也喊:“啊——”小猫女士看见了,惊得捂住了嘴巴。 Go to the restaurantZip: What do you have for dinner today?Zoom: I have fish, but it’s too salty.Zip: Well, let’s go to a restaurant.Zoom: Do you have any noodles?Server: No, today is Monday.We have fish.We have noodles on Tuesday.Zoom: Noodles are my favourite food.Do you have any noodles today?Server: No.We have pork and green beans.We have noodles on Wednesday.Zoom: Do you have noodles?Server: No.We have cabbage and mutton.We have noodles on Thursday.Zoom: Do you have noodles today?Server: No.We have eggplant.We have noodles on Friday.Zoom: Do you have noodles?Server: Yes, we do.Zoom: These noodles are too salty.Zip: Uh-oh.


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